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BioPotentialSignal Class
A signal containing Biopotential data from a BioRadio device.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: GLNeuroTech.Devices.BioRadio
Assembly: BioRadioAPI (in BioRadioAPI.dll) Version: (
public class BioPotentialSignal : BioRadioSignal

The BioPotentialSignal type exposes the following members.

Public methodDispose (Inherited from Signal.)
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetNextRawValue
Returns the next raw sensor value in the buffer.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public methodGetNextSample
Used to retrieve the next Sample object in the signal buffer.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public methodGetRawValueArray
Gets an array of raw (unscaled) values from the signal.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public methodGetRawValues()
Enumerates over raw values in the signal buffer.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public methodGetRawValues(Int32)
Enumerates over raw values in the signal buffer.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public methodGetSamples
Iterates over all samples currently in the signal buffer.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public methodGetScaledValueArray()
Used to retrieve an array of scaled sample values from the signal
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public methodGetScaledValueArray(Int32)
Creates an array of values representing the samples from the signal.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public methodGetScaledValues
Enumerates over all scaled values currently in the signal buffer.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodReset
Clears any data in the input buffer for this signal.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public propertyConfiguration
Describes the device configuration options that have been set for this channel.
(Inherited from BioRadioSignal.)
Public propertyEnabled
Indicates whether the signal is enabled.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public propertyMaxValue
The maximum scaled value that this signal supports.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public propertyMinValue
The miniumum scaled value that this signal supports.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public propertyName
The name associated with this signal.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public propertyOwner
The SignalGroup to which this signal belongs.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public propertyRawMaxValue
The maximum unscaled value that this signal supports.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public propertyRawMinValue
The minimum unscaled value that this signal supports.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public propertyReadingsAvailable
The number of samples available to be read
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public propertySampleInterval
The time interval between sample readings.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public propertySamplesPerSecond
The number of samples transmitted by the device in one second.
(Inherited from Signal.)
Public propertyUnits
The units of measurement in which scaled values are reported.
(Inherited from Signal.)
See Also