Assessment is Running

Assessment is paused

Assessment is stopped

Watch App has not been activated from Phone. Contact support for assistance

Watch battery is fully charged

Progressive battery states

Watch battery is fully charged and still on charger
If the watch is on the charger but only partially charged, it will show the status level but be green. The lightning bolt icon will only show when the watch is fully charged and still on the charger.

Watch has enough storage and all files are less than 7 days old

Watch free space is between 75% and 50%

Watch free space is between 50% and 25%

Watch free space is below 25% or has files older than 7 days

Assessment Recording in Continuous Mode

Assessment Stopped – due to stop button or other app

Assessment not running due to error – check battery charge, storage space, app update or check user guide for more help
Assessment icons coincide with main icons.

Watch and Phone are connected

Watch and Phone are not connected