Piezo-Electric Respiratory Effort


A piezo-electric respiratory effort belt can be used to monitor breathing by measuring changes in chest/abdominal volume.

Typical Applications:

Respiratory effort belts are often used to measure complex respiratory signals, such as respiratory effort and respiratory rates.

Typical BioRadio Configuration:

Typical Setup:

Common Questions:

Q: Which direction of the signal (positive versus negative) correlates to inhaling and which correlates to exhaling?


When inhaling, the signal should increase. When exhaling, the signal should decrease.

Q: Why is the signal much larger or much smaller than I expected?


Piezo-Electric belts are subject to trapping artifact: when a portion of the belt becomes “trapped” as a person moves, resulting in variable tension along the belt circumference. This artifact can also cause a false signal when belt tension suddenly changes with a change in body position. Verify that the belt is not trapped and repeat the collection.